During this online course, Abby models how the process is the content and how collective healing works.

  • You'll gather weekly in an intimate community of people (no more than 9) who are committed to our collective liberation.

    Group calls will be led by Abby over Zoom and will use group coaching, collective inquiry, and self-reflection. We will hold each other in a space of compassionate non-judgement and experience how individual healing cannot be differentiated from collective healing.

  • School healers who want to practice being in circle together and learn tools to bring to their own institutions.

    Basically, this course is for educational mavericks, changemakers, and visionary school leaders of any age who know that schools need transforming and want more tools and practices to do so.

  • I’ve designed this experience so that it is powerful even if you just show up to the calls (which are 90 min. each week for 8 weeks). If you cannot make a session, they are recorded for you to view when you can during the week that you missed.

    However, these are not calls during which you can multi-task. I ask that everyone be fully present and engaged in the circle. Sharing and witnessing our collective experiences is the heart of our work together.

    Each week I also share optional additional resources (i.e., prompts, reading material, podcasts, etc.) if you wish to go deeper on any given topic. You will get more out of this experience if you have some additional time to devote to it between sessions.

  • The next Education Liberation circle dates will be announced soon. Join my Email List to stay up-to-date.

    Cost: $950 in either US or Canadian Dollar. I offer lower-priced options for those who require it. See my financial accessibility page for more options and details.

    All sessions for both are recorded.

  • Excellent question. Education Liberation explores hierarchies of all kinds: how hierarchical thinking colours how we see the world; and how that shows up in educational systems. White supremacy - and the ‘expected’ behaviours that accompany it - affects us all in ways that are both similar and very different, depending on the kind of body we have. If you identify as BIPOC and are interested in the program, but not sure about this aspect of it, please reach out to me directly so we can have a conversation.

Participation for RJ Full Course includes:

● 8 dedicated sessions held in circle, building deep connections with other changemakers

● Ideas to co-create a new story of education

● Curated tools you can try on yourself first and then share with others

● An introduction to a variety of meditation techniques and teachers

● Poetry that aligns with each week’s content

● An online space to share insights and connect between sessions

“Love and justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.”

— Rev. angel kyodo williams

The next Full Course Education Liberation circle times will be announced shortly.

$500 - Lowest Cost

$750 - Middle Cost

$950 - True Cost of Program

Session times are weekly for 90 minutes in duration over a span of 8 weeks on Zoom.

~ Groups capped at 9 participants ~