Restorative Justice includes economic justice.

Here’s how I am striving to live up to this principle in my business:

No penalty & extended payment plans

I offer flexible extended payment plans. We discuss the monthly financial exchange that works for you, and your custom payment plan is created accordingly at no extra cost to you. (Doing so would reward those with more disposable income and penalize those with less).

Purchasing Power Parity

To increase global equity, I offer purchasing power parity. If you live in Canada or the US, pay in the currency you earn.

For those outside of Canada and the US, I work out an equivalent.

Scholarships and bartering

For my group programs I offer sliding scale spots as low as $500 for 8 weeks (see graphic below). If I have space in the program, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Scholarship recipients are invited to pay the scholarship forward at a future time if their financial situation allows them to do so and if it feels right.

I also explore non-financial bartering opportunities in exchange for program participation when it makes sense to do so.

Wealth redistribution & reciprocity with the earth

I donate 2% of my after-tax salary to Indigenous led organizations and environmental protection agencies in Canada doing the work to right historical wrongs. This is one of the small ways that White people like me can divest from white supremacy, return wealth, and recognize unpaid debt to Indigenous people. As my business income increases, so will my contribution amount.

Including Myself in the Exchange

After years of unconsciously under-resourcing myself, I include myself in the equation of time, money, and energetic capacity that it takes to run a business.

The Green Bottle graphic helps guide where you may fall on the scale.

For a fuller explanation, please see:

We’re figuring this out together.

If you have specific needs that would allow you to get the most out of the program, please let me know and we’ll work together to try to make that possible.

I am on a continuous learning journey of how to create a business that aligns with the world I want to live in. This is a work in progress and I value your feedback and ideas.

Special thanks to Jess LaxBecca Piastrelli, & Nicole Antionette

for the inspiration for this page.